There can be many causes of snoring but a physical abnormality is usually at the root of the snoring and needs to be identified before a remedy can be found.
The sound of snoring is produced at the back of the throat due to turbulent airflow, which can occur during sleep.
Those unwanted and troublesome noises that are the result of snoring can frequently be attributed to an obstruction to the free flow of air as it passes through the airways located at the back of the mouth and nose. The noise is the result of vibration during breathing, caused by the tongue and upper throat meeting the soft palate and uvula.
A snorer may have poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat or the muscles may be relaxed as a result of drinking alcohol.
This type of snoring can be effectively treated with exercises to stop storing.
Another potential cause of snoring is an allergy that can lead to congestion of the nasal passageway and inflammation of the folds of tissue in the mid to rear nasal passage and tonsils.
Other causes can include weight gain leading to a build-up of fatty tissues around the nasal area, nasal stuffiness, small or collapsing nostrils, unsuitable sleeping posture, smoking, alcohol and sleeping pills.
Frequent Causes of Snoring
Another frequent cause of snoring can be the soft palate, which becomes flaccid during sleep. In this case, surgery is available in which the tissue is scarred to eliminate the vibration that causes the snoring and in some instances an anti snoring mouthguard that hold the lower jaw in a forward position can be effective.
Swollen tissues in the nasal passage that impedes the flow of air through the throat can lead to snoring. Snoring is rarely harmful unless it is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, however snoring can disturb the sleep of the sufferer and their partner which can affect other areas of life.
Snoring in children can be caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Overweight people with too much neck tissue may be prone to snoring and another cause of snoring can be cysts or tumors, although this is a rare occurrence.
Any obstruction to the nasal airways such as a stuffy or blocked nose due to a cold requires the patient to make an added effort to pull air through the nasal passages and this can result in snoring. Blocked sinuses can lead to similar difficulties, as can deformities of the nose or nasal septum.
The causes of snoring can be many and varied but EXERCISES TO STOP SNORING can be effective in many cases and are highly recommended.